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Workshop Sessions

Heartspark workshop style sessions that are a combination of information sharing, personal exploration, 1:1 coaching and energy work. Each session is a personalized deep dive into a specific topic. 

7 Levels of Energy

Understand Your Energy and Emotions with Data

$333 - Includes Assessment and 2 Hour Long Debrief

Take a deep dive into the 7 Levels of Energy - a way to better understand how you are currently interacting with your life in both a neutral state and when you encounter a stressor or trigger.


This assessment and debrief will explain each level of energy, quantify and explore what your unique levels currently are, and provide insights into how you can best use your energy to make aligned decisions in your life.


☾ Includes online assessment and a 2 hour debrief call over Zoom where we review your results, discuss key benefits of your current energy levels and identify additional areas for expansion and growth.


You'll walk away with a greater sense of awareness and understanding about yourself and the different lenses you use to view the situations in your life.

Nervous System Mapping Workshop

Understand Your Unique Nervous System

$299 - Includes 2 Hour Long Mapping Workshop

Explore polyvagal theory and create a personalized map of your fight, flight and freeze states to gain awareness around what nervous system dysregulation feels like for you.


The workshop also explores your calm and regulated states, as well as guides you in creating an outline of your unique triggers, glimmers and strategies to widen your window of tolerance between feeling dysregulated and regulated.


☾ Includes 2 hour call over Zoom where we review polyvagal theory and the nervous system. We will use color and coaching to complete a detailed map of your nervous system.


You will leave with awareness around how your nervous system has been wired to help you navigate life, and help you identify new ways to reach and stay within nervous system regulation.

Interested in the Clarity on Fire podcast scholarship? Apply here.

“At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.” – Lao Tzu


165 Main St, Medway, MA 02053 - Suite 213

Amanda Johnson, CPC, ELI-MP

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